Episode 49: Grapes & Debates | SoNapa Grille | Tasting EOS Wines & The House Wine Debate

In Episode 49 of Grapes & Debates, SoNapa Grille owners Adam Barringer, Joe Bates, and their business partner Chris Botting sit down to explore the world of EOS Wines, a premium house wine served at SoNapa Grille. Together, they sample and discuss the unique characteristics of these wines while diving into a spirited debate on the role of house wines in the restaurant industry.

Should house wines be budget-friendly crowd-pleasers, or should they reflect a higher standard, like EOS? How do restaurants balance quality, brand perception, and profitability when selecting a house wine? This episode is a must-listen for wine lovers and restaurant professionals looking to elevate their wine programs.

Tune in for expert insights, industry strategies, and, of course, a fantastic wine-tasting experience! 🍷